How to Maximise the Value you can Offer the Football Industry in Nigeria


Understanding the full scope of the football industry in Nigeria and beyond, not just the need to win matches. Football is not just about coaching and playing games. There is the critical need to be able to successfully grow a league, tournament or a team's fan base.

Maybe, you may have been passive about it, but 'Football is nothing without fans.'  They are the ones that purchase ticket, club's souvenirs, attract sponsors...therefore, league/ tournament administrators, team managers must do more to conceive campaign concepts, drive growth, and tell stories, in order to engage people and move them from being latent spectators to active and passionate fans.

To stay​​​​ ahead of competition and take advantage of new trends and developments, ensuring that your league or club has access to global industry-leading contents that attract sponsorships, it just make sense to engage or consult with sport marketing professionals.

Sport Marketing consults like FantaXtik, aid your football brand to maximise its potentials. Whether you are running a football academy or a professional club; a grassroots tournament or a professional league, you need a sport marketing input to stay ahead.

For Instance, to monetize your football product requires that the stadium or playingground arena must be rightly located and accessible to fans and spectators;  the right price and ticketing strategy that will ensure maximium revenue and profits. Working with a sport marketing consult will enable you achieve the best of your football property

A well packaged football event, tournament or league are likely to attract much more fans whether at the local level or at the national and international level. Owners of football properties must think of marketing to improve the value of their property.  They must do more to package their property, continually engage fans and strategically reach out to corporate brands for partnership.

FantaXtik "make-it-beautiful" drive this. It's all about packaging and creating an unforgettable experience for fans and other consumers of football products and services. Engaging fans in this digital age requires specialized digital marketing savvy in trending technologies

To win and grow loyal fans requires continual interaction and engagement of your target markets. It involves creating contents: storytelling in text, photo, audio-visual highlights, flick and clips... Pre and post match info and stats must continually pop-up where your target market can see them and interact with them.

Publishing posts on the right social media platforms at the right time, requires understanding how to use such platforms as Twitter, YouTube, instagram, Tik-tok achieve your goals and objectives. you must understand search engine SEO, algorithms etc.

It is much more than that, individual players, clubs and leagues requires postive public relationships, which involves relationship with the communities where they operate and with the media.These are some of the very vital projects only sport marketing professionals can guide you through.


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