FreeKick Lagos: Benson Chukwueke Hopes to Teach, Inspire Young People At the Kiddies Holiday Football Camp - This August Break 2023


 Benson Chukwueke's organized football training camp, Free-Kick Lagos, continues to give opportunities to young people to learn skills good for football, and in life.

We are expecting hundred campers to brave the early morning soothing sun this August Break 2023, just after the several weeks of rainful in July; they can enrol  and come out to the Former National Stadium Surulere Lagos to get active.

"Well, It will be long vacation here in Lagos Nigeria and kid's are meant to be at home for another 82 days or so. You can only imagine what they will be doing if you do not plan for them. That's why I decided to keep these kids on their feet. Not playing video games, browsing all over the internet or watching television morning till night,  but actually staying active and playing a team sport."

"I've always felt we parents nowadays are not so fair to our children taking them again through rigors of classroom learning even during holidays, What we call, Summer Holiday Coaching" 

"Holiday is the best time for children to try out other things like sports. They need to get active for their strong, healthy development. Then, they will get to learn football skill and other inter-personal relationship skills embedded in team sports."

The Chief Executive of Fantaxtik 'Make-It-Beautiful', a sport marketing and management company says he's inspired to run this football camp, in the hopes it changes the lives of these kids, much like a similar camp changed his own path, saying

 "I just know what holiday camps did for me...They were life changers... At thr YMCA camps when I was much younger, we got to learn several sports and a lot of teaching about life and leadership skills. 

" It was unforgettable experience for me, such things we learned in a fun environment stay with me and keep resonating in my life today. When I recall such experience, it gives me the motivation to say "hey, I could do that too, for the kids today?"

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