Football Terminologies You May Need to Know - Don't Take It For Granted


Yeah, don't take it for granted that you know all football terminologies. You may even discover you have been using the wrong parlance when discussing football. We find these common mistakes when some persons are analyzing games or running football commentaries. Find the real Meaning Here


(1) *HAT TRICK:* This is when a player score 3 goals in a match.

(2) *CURTAIN RAISER:* It is the match played before the real match. In other words, it is an entertainment or a ceremonial match played before the real match.

(3). *FORCE MAJEURE:* Is an incident that occurred and lead to a stoppage or abandonment of a match. E.g are:- Excessive rainfall, insecurity, inadequate floodlight, inadequate goalposts and crossbar, etc.

(4) *COUNT DOWN:* Count down of a match is the time of arrival and preparations for a match. It occurs 1hour 30minutes before the kick-off time.

(5) *APOTENANCES:* Are those objects in the field of play whereby, if a ball rebounds from them when the ball is in play and enters the goal, the goal is awarded. E.g are:- The flags, goalposts, crossbar, goal nets, the markings grasses.

(6) *SUDDEN DEAD:* This simply means "first to lost a penalty kick definitely looses the match" during the kick from the penalty mark to determine the winner and outcome of a match after the both teams had taken their equal 5 kicks and still have equal numbers of scores.

(7) *BRACE:* When a player score two (2) goals in a match.

(8) *GOLDEN GOAL:* It is the winning goal in a match.

(9) *AWAY GOAL:* Is another method used to decide the winner of a match if both teams played their matches home and away and the result remains equal from the full time of 90minutes and extra time.

(10) *SIMULATION:* Is an action which creates wrong/false impression that something has happened when it has not, just to gain an unfair advantage/favour.

(11) *FEINTING:* Is an action which attempts to confuse or deceive an opponent. It mostly occurs during penalty kick or kick from the penalty mark.

(12) *CIRCUMVENTING:* This is when a player bend or try to change and convert the law to his own favour. E.g: When a player lift the ball with his feet, then heading to his goalkeeper to catch or receive with his hands when making a back pass.

(13) *JURISDICTION:* It has to do with the Goalkeeper. It is the area that the goalkeeper is permitted to play or catch the ball with his hands.

(14) *NULLIFIED:* It simply means "Disallowed".

(15) *BECKON:* Is to call on a player into the field of play by hand waving.

(16) *ADVANTAGE:* The referee extend his hand (s) forward and allow play to continue when an offence has occurred to see if the non-offending team will benefit.

(17) *KICK-OFF:* Is the method of starting play and restarting play when the goal is scored.

(18) *ACCORDINGLY:* This means "restarting play according to the previous or initial decision"; either throw-in, corner kick, penalty kick, free kick, goal Kick, etc.

(19) *ENCROACHMENT:* This mostly occurs during the penalty kick. It is when the defending goalkeeper and players other than the kicker moved towards the ball before the ball is in play from the penalty kick.

(20) *DISSENT:* This is when a player make a gesture or challenges the decision of the referee, assistant referees or any other person in the field of play either by word or action. It is a cautionable offence.

(21) *AUSPICES:* Are the organizing members of a competition. e.g FIFA, Confederation, Member Associations, Leagues, Clubs, etc.

(22) *ADDITIONAL BALLS:* Are those other balls placed around the field of play other than the ball used for kick-off (match ball).

(23) *EXTRA BALLS:* Are any other balls that enters the field of play when the ball is in play.

(24) *TIME WAISTING:* Is when a player decides to keep the ball to himself during a stoppage or when the ball is out of play and as well refused to restart the play immediately due to the advantage of winning.

(25) *TIME CONSUMING:* Is when either a player is shielding the ball or the goalkeeper hold onto the ball and continue to toss it to the air or bounce it on the ground until he sees an opponent coming to challenge for the ball before he then catches the ball.

(26) *ADDITIONAL TIME:* Is the time allowance or added at the end of each half for time lost due to substitutions, assessment of injuries, disciplinary action, goal celebrations, etc.

(27) *EXTRA TIME:* Is the method used to decide the winner of a match involving two(2) equal extra periods of play not exceeding 15minutes each.

(28). *PLAYING DISTANCE:* Means the distance at which the ball is under the control of the player at all times.

(29) *REFEREE:* Is one who has full authority to enforce the laws of the game in connection with the match to which he has been appointed.

(30) *BODY LANGUAGE:* The body language is defined as the tool which the Referee uses to help him control the match, show authority and self control,. But not an explanation of a decision.

(31) *SUBSTITUTES:* Are the named and reserved players in the team list that do not start the match but may later take part in the cost of play.

(32) *SUBSTITUTED PLAYERS:* Are those players that started the match and later replaced by named substitutes.

(33) *SUBSTITUTION:* Is the process of replacing a player who was playing the match with a named substitute who was on the reserve bench.

(34) *RETURN SUBSTITUTION:* Is when the player that already played a match and was Substituted is still called upon to take part or play the match again.

(35) *ELIGIBLE PLAYERS:* The word "Eligible" means "Qualify". Therefore, eligible players are those players whose names are listed on the team list before the start of a match and are qualified to play the match.

(36) *TECHNICAL AREA:* It is a defined area (in stadia) for the team officials which includes seatings.

(37) *EXTRA PLAYER:* Is the player other than the 11 players of a team in the field of play.

(38) *OUTSIDE AGENT:* Is any person who is not a match official or not on the team list.

(39) *REQUIRED DISTANCE:* It is the distance that an opponent is expected to maintain until the ball is in play from a restart.

(40) *DIMENSIONS:* Are the measurements of the markings on the field of play.

(41) *BRUTALITY:* An act which is savage, ruthless or deliberately violent.

(42) *DELIBERATE:* Is an action which the player intended/meant to make.

(43) *IMPEDE:* Is to delay, block or prevent an opponent's action or movement.

(44) *PENALISE:* Is to punish, usually by stopping play and awarding a free kick or penalty kick to the opposing team.

(45) *SANCTION:* Is a disciplinary action taken by the referee.

(46) *SIGNAL:* Is the physical indication from the referee or any match official; usually involves movement of the hand or arm or flag, or use of the whistle by the referee.

(47) *DISCIPLINARY ACTION:* Is the action taken by the referee against any player who commit an offence which includes Verbal warning, caution and send-off.

(48) *OFFENCE:* Is an action which breaks or violates the laws of the game.

(49) *CAUTION:* Is a disciplinary action which results in a report to a disciplinary authority; it is indicated by showing a Yellow Card (YC).

(50) *SEND-OFF:* Is a disciplinary action when a player is required to leave the field for the remainder of the match having committed a sending-off offence; it is indicated by a Red Card (RC).

(51) *DISCRETION:* It is the judgment or opinion used by a referee or other match official when making a decision.

(52) *CHALLENGE:* Is an action when a player competes or contests with an opponent for the ball.

(53) *INTERCEPT:* To prevent a ball reaching its intended destination.

(54) *CHARGE:* Is the physical challenge against an opponent, usually using the shoulder and upper arm.

(55) *NEGLIGIBLE:* Means insignificant or minimal.

(56) *DEFECTIVE:* Means lacking some forms. When the ball or a goal doesn't meet the requirements, it's said to be defective.

(57) *MATCH OFFICIALS:* Are the Referees, Assistant Referees, Fourth Official or Reserve Referee, Video Assistant Referees (VAR), etc.

(58) *TEAM OFFICIALS:* Are those non-players listed on the official team list e.g coach, physiotherapist, doctor, etc.

(59) *UNSPORTING BEHAVIOUR:* Is an unfair action/behaviour; punishable by a caution (yellow card).

(60) *HYBRID SYSTEM:* Is a combination of artificial and natural materials to create a playing surface which requires sunlight, water, air circulation and mowing.

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