How to Achieve Success In Football - Four Aspects Every Player Must Give Serious Attention


Written By: Benson Chukwueke, CEO Fantaxtik. A Sport Marketing and Management Consultant and a preacher of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

Success in football (soccer) requires more than just talent. It also requires certain factors to be in place for a player to achieve their full potential. Here are the four cardinal factors that are essential for a successful football career:

1. Talent and Personal Development 

A successful football career requires athleticism, technical skill, work ethic, and mental toughness. Players who possess these four cardinal factors are well-equipped to achieve their dreams on the football pitch.

a. Athleticism

Athleticism is the foundation of a successful football career. Players need to be in excellent physical condition to compete at the highest level. This includes having excellent endurance, agility, speed, strength, and power. Successful footballers have the ability to perform at peak levels for extended periods of time, enabling them to make the most of their skills on the pitch.

b. Technical Skill

Technical skill is another essential factor in a football player's success. Successful footballers have honed their ability to dribble, pass, shoot, and control the ball with precision and consistency. They have excellent football intelligence and can read the game well, making quick and accurate decisions that lead to successful outcomes.

c. Work Ethic

To achieve success on the football pitch, players need to have a strong work ethic. This includes a willingness to practice, train hard, and improve continuously. Successful footballers are highly disciplined and have a never-give-up attitude. They know that success in football demands an unwavering commitment to improvement and development.

d. Mental Toughness

Finally, mental toughness is an essential factor for a successful football career. Football can be a very challenging and demanding sport, and players need to be able to handle pressure, stress, and adversity. Successful footballers have a positive mindset that allows them to stay focused and confident in the face of challenges. They are self-motivated, resilient, and have a strong sense of purpose that keeps them striving for excellence.

NOTE: Find a good football academy with qualified instructors and coaches. Check out their facilities, training equipment accessible to them and more importantly find development programs and time line. 

2. Medical Fitness and Performance Development

a. Dietary

Football, much like any other sport, requires a proper diet to maintain peak physical performance. Players should focus on consuming a balance of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats to fuel their bodies while training and during games.

Additionally, football players should maintain a healthy weight through nutrition and exercise. A healthy weight can reduce the risk of injuries and improve overall athletic ability.

b. Safety, Treatment and Medicine 

Injuries are common in football, and players should take the necessary precautions to prevent them. This can include stretching before workouts and games, wearing proper safety equipment, and following the advice of medical professionals.

In the case of injuries, players should seek medical attention immediately. Ignoring or playing with injuries can lead to further damage and prolonged recovery times. 

c. Doping (Drug abuse) in Football

Doping, or the use of performance-enhancing drugs, is a serious issue in football. It can not only lead to disqualification from competitions but also harm the health of athletes.

Football organizations and anti-doping agencies work to prevent doping through testing and education programs. It's important for players to understand the risks and consequences of doping and choose to compete fairly. Drug abuses or using performance enhancing substance can destroy both your physical and mental welbeing. 

NOTE: Find a sports doctor or nurse you can always consult regarding your medical status and fitness. It will not always cost money, you make friends with one and deliberately draw close to gain free consultation and medical advice. 

3. Marketing: and Management

Football marketing and management are two crucial aspect of the football industry that helps promote players, enhance their exposure, and manage their careers. It involves player packaging, exposure, trials, contract negotiations, and career management. 

a. Player Packaging

Player packaging is the process of developing an image and a brand for the player. This includes creating a unique identity through a comprehensive analysis of the player's personal characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, style of play, and marketability. The player should be marketed as a brand through the production of promotional video clips, Scouting reports, transfermarkt stats and valuations,  Then, helping the player create positive personality and build a strong public relationship as well as developing a well managed social media presence.

b. Exposure

Exposure is the process by which a player gains visibility among clubs, sponsors, fans, and the media. Exposure is crucial for every player as it helps create awareness and opportunities. Exposure can be achieved through social media promotion, participating in tournaments, scouting programs and try outs, attending networking events, and engaging with the media.

c. Trials

Trials are an essential part of a player's journey towards success. Players who want to progress in their careers must attend trials to showcase their skills and talents. Trials give players an opportunity to impress scouts, coaches, and agents who can offer them contracts with professional clubs.

d. Contract Negotiations

Contract negotiations are a crucial part of the football industry that requires specialized skills. Players should seek the services of an agent or lawyer to assist them with contract negotiations. The agent or lawyer will negotiate the terms of the contract, including salary, bonuses, and other benefits.

c. Career Management

Career management involves creating a strategic plan that helps the player progress in his career. This plan should include short and long-term objectives, including goals related to training, skill development, and achieving milestones. Players should also be mindful of their personal brand and image, which is critical for their long-term success. On and off the pitch management is essential, other business dealing that can complicate a player's career, taxation, insurance, endorsement, media and event appearances etc. 

In conclusion, football marketing is a complex and multi-faceted process that requires a comprehensive understanding of player packaging, exposure, trials, contract negotiations, and career management. By following these principles, players can enhance their visibility and maximize their career potential.

NOTE: Find and engage a sports marketing and management Agency to start from the stretch to build up a player's brand to achieve success. A good agency will lead you to the right Player's Agent, Scouts and help player participate in right scouting and trial programs

4. Spiritual Aspect

Life is spiritual and for anything you must succeed in, you must take care of the spiritual aspect. Football doesn't run on your talent alone, there are great interplay of powers in football nomenclatures. Some may call it luck, but it is deeper than it seems. 

However, these things are not often spoken of publicly, but every one player is aware of it, but you may wave your hand that it doesn't matter.  Sooner or later, you will find out that it actually does. 

Football is not just a game, It's a way of life, their are elements that drives the success of the game and for some players, like Kaka and Roberto Baggio, football is also deeply spiritual.

Kaka, the Brazilian midfielder who rose to fame playing for AC Milan and Real Madrid, has always been vocal about his Christian faith. He has attributed his success on the field to God's grace and has used his platform to spread messages of hope and love.

In an interview with The Guardian, Kaka said, "My faith is everything. It's not just something I do on Sundays. It's a way of life, a compass that guides me through the good times and the bad."

Similarly, Roberto Baggio, the Italian legend known for his iconic ponytail and his pinpoint accuracy on free-kicks, has also spoken about the spiritual aspects of football. Baggio, who is a practicing Buddhist, has said that his faith has helped him stay grounded and focused throughout his career.

In an interview with The New York Times, Baggio said, "Football is like life. You need balance, not just physical but mental and spiritual balance. My faith helps me find that balance."

For Kaka, Baggio, and many other players, football is not just a sport. It's a way to connect with something greater than themselves, whether it's God, the universe, or simply the beauty of the game.

In a world that often seems chaotic and uncertain, the spirituality of football offers a sense of purpose and meaning. It reminds us that there's more to life than the scoreline and that the game itself can be a source of joy, inspiration, and transcendence

Here are some potential players who may agree to use spiritual powers to enhance their football game:

- Neymar Jr.: The Brazilian forward is known for his devout Christian faith and has often been seen praying on the field before matches. And at every point of his success, he put on a bandana with the inscription 100% Jesus. 

- Paul Pogba: The French midfielder is a Muslim and has been seen performing the sujood (Islamic prostration) after scoring goals. However, he has been complicated with issue rising from his employment of a witch doctor. 

- Giorgio Chiellini: The Italian defender is known for his interest in meditation and mindfulness, which could translate well to exploring spiritual methods for football improvement.

Of course, it's ultimately up to each individual player to decide if they want to incorporate spiritual practices into their football training and gameplay. It's important to respect their decisions and beliefs, whatever they may be.

NOTE: I recommend you take the spiritual aspect of football seriously. Believe me  many players' career have been cut short for neglecting this aspect of their lives. 

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