Innovative Way to Crack Fans Identity Crisis and Effectively Engage Each Segment - Download Whitepaper


In today’s challenging fan engagement landscape, sports teams are grappling with a fan identity crisis.

Even top-performing teams lack data on most of their supporters. When FC Barcelona secured a sponsorship deal with Spotify in 2022, they had detailed information on just 1% of their 350 million global followers.

In today’s ultra competitive world of sports marketing, sports teams are facing a fan identity crisis. Even the most commercially successful teams are without data on the majority of their fanbase.

When FC Barcelona signed a sponsorship deal with Spotify in 2022, it was revealed that the Catalan giants held details of just 1% of their 350 million fans.

Lack of investment in team-owned digital touchpoints has led third-party media to dominate the fan engagement landscape. Despite the unique bond between a sports team and its fans, sports teams are missing out.

Inside this whitepaper

Alongside Genius Sports, we take a detailed look at the challenges and solutions for teams aiming to build stronger fan connections and monetise their audience. We assess many of the techniques sports teams can use to capture first-party data through curated digital touchpoints, such as gamification and mobile apps, and then the power of segmenting and activating this data for personalised, fan-centric content, experiences and sponsorship campaigns.

Key insights include:

Harnessing first-party data: how sports teams can reclaim control of fan data by engaging followers on their owned and operated platforms.

Monetisation potential: gamification’s role in growing fan loyalty and monetisation opportunities.

Beyond demographics: developing a deeper understanding of fans by tapping into transactional, behavioural, and psychographic data.

AI integration: the role and value of AI tools in collecting, analysing, and segmenting fan data to deliver personalisation at scale.

Future outlook: how to maintain data and content quality and drive revenue to grow the lifetime value of your fanbase.

Download the white paper today!

Download the latest white paper, The Fan Data Revolution, in partnership with Genius Sports, to explore how sports teams can solve the fan identity challenge once and for all.


The tech and strategies to capture fan data: how fan’s behavioural, transactional and psychographic data enables powerful commercial growth for teams.

How gamification grows O&O engagement: 70% of Gen Z play games while watching sport.  Find out how teams can take control of more of the fan experience.

Turning fan data into revenue: discover how segmenting fans by unique data signals can boost loyalty and spending—loyal NBA fans, for example, spend 3.7x more.

The power of AI & personalisation: AI is enabling hyper-personalisation – but what does this mean for fan engagement and team revenues?

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