Make It In 2023: A 52-Year-Old Who Runs An Online Football Solution Business from Nigeria, Shares How He Makes $10,000/Month In Passive Income


Benson Chukwueke, The Founder of Inspire Football Life (IFL Network) and CEO of FantaXtik - Make-it-beautiful, started his business in 2009 during the great recession, which has lingered on in Nigeria till today.

When starting a business, it’s sometimes hard to know what to prioritize, and even harder to explain your business plan to those who may help you. So going at it alone can be overwhelming, but there are strategies you can learn to avoid common pitfalls.

The key to success is finding a human need and to go all out to meet the need. You mustn't be a doctor, lawyer, banker, real estate agent or farmer...whether it is comedy or music that is your passion,  just discover legal strategies on how to make money while fulfilling the need for entertainment.

My mission is to teach people how to earn money from their passions. It’s what I did: I went from years of unemployment and untold hardship to building two successful online sport businesses.

Today, I run two football blogs, CheerOnNigeria, and Inspire Football, then a sport marketing and management  company that provide sport event packaging/Sponsorship and sport business education. I love what I do, it is my passion and it has continued to open doors of opportunities for me as well as connect me with like minds across the world. My job is my leisure and I enjoy my work, even when I sleep I dream of it. 

Life is beautiful when your job is your passion.

I do not only make $10,000 a month in passive income, but I find fulfillment in helping young people start-off a professional football career or create their own sports related businesses that are changing not only their lives but that of their families also. I feel I am making impact with my life... the "poor" making people rich!😃😄😁

In online business we all know that your reach ( size of your traffic) determine to a large extent how much you can make a month in adverts and advertorials (sponsored post), affiliate marketing and drop-shipping. Then fees for organizing football development, scouting and sports entrepreneurship events etc.

The key to success as a creator (sport blogger and sport event planning & marketing) is to build an audience that trusts you, and then find legal ways to monetize that audience. While there are many different ways to do this, one of the most common (and most passive) is through advertising.

For example, I creates evergreen YouTube videos, ebooks and write ups that I  profit from for years after they’ve been posted online. In contrast,  to when I create post only about recent events — such as sports news — has limited long-term earning potential.

In this case, as the more subscribers or followers you get to your channel or blog, the more views your post get. The more views you get, the higher your post will rank; and higher your post rank, the more advertising income you’ll earn.

Here’s what I tell my clients to think about in the first 30 days of starting their sport business:

1. Be clear about how you want to make money and how to spend your time.

Many new business owners I meet pre-occupy themselves with many things. They trying out to know how much money they can make. 

While that’s a great starting point, it’s incomplete. Your business should serve your life, not the other way around. So make sure it aligns with your hopes, dreams and goals.

To get clear about the type of business and life you want, ask your self questions.

2. Simplify your business model.

When I started my football solution business, people told me I needed to test my sales pages, throw launch parties and pre-record a bunch of ads in order to grow.

Rather than stretching myself thin doing things that didn’t make sense to me, I kept it simple and focused on three things: creating football solution content for my blog and YouTube channel, growing my email list from that audience, and promoting the paid products I created to that list.

If you’re just starting out, develop content around your expertise to grow an audience. It doesn’t have to be perfect. You can iterate as you go and design your own products based on what your customers and blog visitors want more of.

3. Cut out unnecessary daily tasks

Identify what daily activities will help you earn more. Don’t waste time or burn yourself out focusing on unimportant tasks.

It might feel good to get to inbox zero or change the color of the buttons on your website, especially in the early days where you want to feel like you’ve achieved a goal. But neither of those things will make you much busy doing nothing.

Before you start a new task, ask yourself three questions:

a. What’s the expected outcome for doing this task? 

b. Does it lead to more money?

c. Can I point to a direct link between doing that task and earning income?

d. What’s the cost of doing this instead of something else? 

4. Promote Yourself Online:

If you don't tell people who you are, they will say who are not and such descriptions may not be good for your personal or corporate brand. Talk about your business vision and mission; give snippets of solutions you provide and what you know: publish ebooks or hardcopy books you can sell or give away as freebies.

Such personal promotion open doors of opportunities for big bucks businesses and connect you to like minds.

If you have a football project or you are interested in starting a football career or a sport business outfit and you need guidance., then you may decide to consult with us for an affordable fee. Call or WhatsApp: +2348098772556. or email:

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